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Magnetic Playing Toys

a white cube with metal balls in it

Photo by Roberto Sorin on Unsplash

She had wanted to get rid of the house.

“It’s her house too, “ he countered.

But what she really wanted to do was to tidy up. just a bit. Just so she could feel like an adult for 10 minutes without having to trip over toys all the time. This toy was driving her crazy but he didn’t rally know why. It wasn’t really in the way at all.

Yes, it made the house look like a kid lived there but that’ because there was a kid that lived there and thus the house had toys. She needed to get over herself and just go with the flow. She would only be five for 4 more months and before you know it the toys would be gone and would be replaced by a sulky teen with her face in an iPhone.

“Enjoy while you can” he said. She will grow up fast. Let it go.

She sighed and flipped through a decorating magazine while dreaming of cleaner days ahead.

Shop Magnetic Toys on Amazon

Ozium Air Freshener

Ozium Air Freshener

This stuff works very well at actually killing odors instead of just masking them. Seems to last forever too.

image Photo by A. L. on Unsplash

He was warned.

“She’s gonna be farty” she warned him as he handed her the dog bine for Christmas

How bad could it be? he thought. The bag said they were highly digestive so how could it be?

It took the dog a few hours to get through the bone and then a few hours, the stink started.

She was right. Again

The smell was so bad. He had never smelled anything so bad in his life. Thankfully he had bought the Ozium to freshen the car and he gave the living room a good spray

But what would he do with the $35 00 worth of bones he had bought? Should he throw them out? Should he keep feeding them to the dog and hope her gastrointestinal issues would sort themselves out over time?

He did have the Ozium after all and the dog loved the bones so it seemed a shame to deny her the special treat.

He did have the Ozium after all.

Shop Amazon

Cais Laptop Case

Cais laptop case

This is a pretty good laptop case. Or perhaps it’s more of a laptop sleeve. Regardless, it’s soft on the inside and has a pocket but it’s a tight fit so I don’t recommend jamming a charger in there.

You will need a notebook with pretty good battery life or look for a different case.


Photo by Majo Villalón on Unsplash

He hated the fact that he couldn’t just stay at home all day as that’s what he really wanted to do. Stay home and write. By the time he retired 5 years from now he had hoped that his writing would at very least supplement his retirement income.

The reality was different and he sighed and put on warm pants and his vest.

He didn’t think he would be delivering smiles for th ‘zon but that’s how it all worked out.

Groceries were expensive and he couldn’t just write and hope that the money would come. He was another struggling artist

Could he call himself an artist if he was just writing fiction for his blog? He thought so. He was making something after all. Currently no it was reading what he was making, bit that is actually okay as he could experiment and learn and improve without having an audience

This was the side hustle, using the bit of time he had on breaks to write.

But the break was onerr and he hadn’t finished his post but at least it was a start.

He sighed, jammed the laptop back inits case a started the truck. That was all the writing he was going to get in today.

Shop Amazon for laptop cases

Voluntary Time of Use


Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

I’m afraid I may have created a monster. I am now constantly pestered to turn off the lights every time I leave a room.

Why? I switched our electric service to voluntary time of use seening as we both have electric cars.

It seemed silly to pay the same rate for 24 hours regardless of time. I went from spending 9 cents per KWh to 1 cent per KWh.

It was already a pretty good deal when you compare gas vs electric vehicles, but now it’s even a better deal.

At first I wasn’t going to bother as they have to come out and change your meter and that’s a pain - or so I though - but it turned out I didn’t need to even be home when it happened so that worked out well.

The cheaper rates are essentially from 11pm to 7am and then weekends - just like the long distance times for POTS phones back in the day. It’s cheaper during the days when business is closed.

Anyway, it’s been a good thing to do so far and cheaper electricity is always a good thing.

Except. Except.

Now the boss has become the hdyro-police. Lights get turned off on me and we can no longer at any time that’s even remotely convenient.

You can call me at 3am as I will probably be awake doing laundry.

Merry Christmas


Season’s Greetings from all of us!

We did very little this year as far as gifts go. The wife and I gave each other a few trinkets but no real big gifts as we’re going on an internation trip next month, so: money.

The wee one did get a few things. A small digital camera that’s as good as the ones I used to want so bad in the early aughts. It’s funny how technology advances - the digital camera I gave her came with a memory card, reader and all the charging cables for $20. I don’t think an iPhone comes with cables these days.

It’s a very warm holiday this year, compared to the blizzard of ‘22 we experienced on Christmas day this year is downright balmy!

So, we’re happy and healthy and gave the just right amount of gifts!

The Number


Photo by Andras Vas on Unsplash

I’ve chased a lot of numbers over the years. I have wanted to be older when I was young and younger when I have been older.

I have had numbers on a screen show I owe people a lot of money,and I have had numbers on a screen showing that I have some money at least.

I have child who identifies by her age - also a number

Heck, I have a license plate number and a house number.

I have lots of numbers. Some I like and some I don’t and some I care about and some I never will. I have an alien number for crying out loud.

The number I want to care most of all is the number of posts number you see at the top of the page. At writing, it’s a 40. I want that to be 1000 and then 2000, and so on

Why? Because I want to be known a writer and not an Uber Driver. And to do so I figure I have to write. A lot.

It doesn’t matter what app I use to either write or publish, and believe me when I tell you I am pretty sure I have found and tried most of them and they all have thier flaws. The apps and tools have long been the distraction. It’s a lot more fun to be a part of the new darling of writing site or social media or whatever.

It’s a lot more fun to stall writing. It’s a lot more fun to tweak this sites design over and over again, until I get it just right.

It’s not as much fun to put yourself out there. I write with too many commas,1 and my sentence structure isn’t the best either. I haven’t learned to type correctly so the backspace button is my favorite button.

All of it doesn’t matter

I just have to write. I want to tell people I write and have written and been self published. I don’t need to submit my writing to publishers as I am the publisher.

What matters is I push the keys on the keyboard and then make the words and sentences happen. Then I push publish.

And then I do it again, and again. I am hoping my writing will suck less and less over time and I will become better at the ‘craft’ of writing. Or, maybe I won’t.

I do know that I want that number at the top of the page to count higher and higher. I think if I do that, all the other details should take care of themselves.

Wanna Help? Shop Amazon for Numbers and I make a small commission.

  1. See? 

The Car Wash


She had a love/hate relationship with the car wash. She loved the lights, and the bubbles but hated the noise.

What to do? I couldn’t take her to vacuum the car because she couldn’t handle the noise - but she wanted to go. She begged me to go.

The solution? Noise cancelling earpads for kid. She loves them and can now go with me to the car wash. She looks a little bit dopey, but whatever. At least we have a clean car for Christmas

The Snowplow Guy

plow Photo by Dan Cook on Unsplash

It’s been pretty warm this winter. I think our snowplow guy has come just once this year and so far I have paid $400 to get my driveway plowed once this year as I pre-pay for the entire year. Sometimes he wins, and sometimes I do.

A Night Before the Night Before Christmas


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

T’was the night before the night before the night before Christmas I was snug in the house I was downstairs with my computer and mouse

When all of a sudden I heard such a racket, I ran from the bottom to the top of the house

“I peed my pants”, came the worried reply I raced up the stairs trying to disguise all my sighs

Don’t worry I said, these things happen to you. It could have been worse. It could have been poo.

The floor was all wet, and new pajamas were needed I had just put her to bed, but I hadn’t succeeded

For now I had mopping and changing to do. But not to worry my child it’s entirely okay.

Accidents happen and won’t happen one day But now go to bed. Santa’s loading his sleigh.

Tea Kettle


It was too early for this he thought to himself as he poured the water over the grounds and watched them bubble and settle before he pushed the plunger down on his aero press

This wasn’t the plan. Amazon delivery was not in his life plan but he needed to do something and this was a pretty easy gig for the most part. The metrics were a bit of a pain in the neck but he was old enough to know they wouldn’t fire him over a few customers complaints. You can’t please everyone

At least 5h4bweather was nice and the forecast said it might hit 70 degrees which would be welcome after the long winter where he worked through I r storms and blizzards so people could get their stuff delivered.

For the most part, the people he met on this job were few and far between. Dometimes he would be given cold drinks on hot days. He could guarantee that the older man with 5h5 huge trump banner would be ready with an ice cold drink. We might not agree in politics, but we’re all just people at the end.

With his coffee thermos full, he went to the hallway to put in his boots. He pet the dog, and left doe another day of delivering smiles.

Shop tea kettles on Amazon