The River Walker
Due to the overwhelming weather we’ve been having lately I decided it would be a good day to take her for a walk on the river, and it was:
It was an absolutely gorgeous day to take her for a stroll and get some of that 4 year old energy burned off. Besides, it is supposed to snow by this time tomorrow. Today, it’s a record high for the weather and then tomorrow we are supposed to go back to more seasonal climes.
Anyway, the walk: I would guess it’s about a half mile round trip. We walk a 1/4 mile each way to small bridge where there’s useually somebody with a fishing rod but today there was nobody and we almost had the entire trail to ourselves.
Along the walk we saw a dog jump in the river for a swim, we through more small rocks into the water than I care to count and we happpened on some logs that had been cut as obviously they had fallen over the winter on the trail and this trail is maintained so somebody had moved the logs to the side of the trail and this was a whole topic of conversation because she’s four and there’s questions to be answered.
Also, I’m getting a bit better at this parenting thing and had enough forethought to pack snacks so while we were tossing rocks we also were tossing chex mix into our mouths as well.
Then on the way home I gave her an apple to chew on for the ride home.
It was a good day today.