The Hair Brush
Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash
She hated getting her hair [[brushed]], but it had to be done. She did not like it one bit and she completely shared her dislike with her father who was trying to do the brushing.
It was this nightly dance that never ended well and both felt defeated at the end. Some nights hair got brushed. Some nights hair kind of got brushed and some nights the screaming was out of control and brushed hair wasn’t in the cards.
If only he get through to her that if she brushed her hair regularly than it would be less effort to keep her hair tangle free. But her 4 year old brain couldn’t handle the comprehension so she fought and screamed instead.
Sometimes he got lucky and she would be distracted with a toy or even just her imagination and he would be able to get her hair brushed without her even noticing, but tonight was one of those nights.
When she got the idea in her head that she would be fighting the hair brush, there was no turning back. The most annoying thing was when he did finally get some hair knot-free she would go and take her hands and tangle it all back up again.
She was stubborn. All the techniques didn’t work that they suggested on the internet.
He knew that one day he would be hard pressed to get her to stop combing her hair and he was unsure if that day would better or worse, so for now he would just deal with the tantrums and wait for a new day. That’s all he could do.