Children's Headphones
Photo by Ervo Rocks on Unsplash
He wasn’t sure when the change happened but for whatever reason she didn’t like to wear her headphones when she was watching YouTube Kids and he was annoyed.
He couldn’t listen to this thoughts as the constant drone of paw patrol saving the world squawked through the small tinny speakers
It’s not like she watched the tablet the time. The rule at home was that there were no “shows” on the weekdays. There was crafting and toys to play with as it was encountered to use her imagination instead of hours of screen time
The headphones themselves were fine and designed for children with the volume limited for little ears so he didn’t understand the push back.
Perhaps it was the feel of the headphone themself that bothered her. She was too young to fully explain the problem she had with them.
Sometimes he let it slide and just dealt with the chirping of cartoons from those tiny tablet speakers
Sometimes, it just wasn’t woth the fight and the headphones would sit unused on her dresser for one more day.