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Status Audio Headphones

flatlay photography of wireless headphones

Photo by C D-X on Unsplash

These will do he thought to himself as he reached for the Status Audio headphones he had in a drawer. He had much better headphones from which to choose, but he just wanted to troubleshoot why he was getting no sound.

It had to be a driver problem. He was running ChromeOS Flex on an unsupported device so it’s not a real surprise that there would be problems. Maybe i should just go back to windows he thought but so far he was really liking chromeOS.

The problem with ChromeOS is not that it’s just a browser, but that the hardware usually sucks and save for the Pixelbook there hasn’t been a computer that is as well designed from any manufacturer.

He would buy a Pixelbook in a second. But he wasn’t computer shopping. His wife wouldn’t let him and he didn’t need another computer anyway. He could always just reformat and reinstall Windows 11 and be done with it.

But that wasn’t any fun. He loved to tinker and play with computers and the fact that they might not work exactly he wanted didn’t really bother him and it was more of a challenge than anything.

Now, if only he could get the audio to work on this laptop.

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