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iDPrt SP410 Thermal Label Printer


Photo by Geri Sakti on Unsplash

He was not sure how he got there but he had over 1000 CD’s and records he wanted to sell on eBay. This was going to take a long time to do and he was not looking forward to it as he knew he would not get anywhere near where he paid for all these CD’s

It was the age of Spotify and not the age of the CD. It’s been 42 years since the CD was released and somehow over all those years he had collected over 1000 of them. It was a collection. It didn’t start with 1000. He remembered his first CD. It was some disc by New Order . He thinks it was this one, but he was not sure as it had been so long ago.

That disc brought back memories. Waiting for the bus in the cold on a winter’s night with his little headphones trying to keep the batteries warm so he could listen to one more song.

Then over time, more and more songs were played through that cd player than he could ever imagine. But times change and the days of the CD are over despite what the audiophiles say.

He blew the first layer of dust off the box they were stored in and began flipping through them just like it was 1987 all over again. Click, Click, Click. He hadn’t heard that sound in years.

Music had become too easy. You select a genre or song and the computer takes care of the rest and feeds you tunes like feeding a baby pablum. There’s no choice any more.

There’s no forcing yourself to give an entire album a listen as you can just decide in 3 seconds and move on to the next in the never ending musical buffet. He remembrered hating some albums but over time they grew on him.

He had bought the CD with his hard earned money and he was going to like it and listen to it, even if he hated it.

Sometimes the first impression was not the best impression when it came to music

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