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yellow pencils

pencil Photo by Tamanna Rumee on Unsplash

“How come there’s never a pencil when you need it” he thought as he rummaged through the junk drawer in the kitchen. Ther was string, batteries, toothpicks, and pens galore - but no pencil.

He couldn’t belive that there was no pencil in the house. How could that be? The wife was a teacher. Maybe she had one in her office. Nope.

Junk drawer, there had to be one in the junk drawer, right? Nope.

windshield washer fluid

He never really thought much about washer fluid, because it’s, well…washer fluid. He just bought whatever blue jug he could find and poured (most of it) in the car and he was good for another few days/weeks/months depending on the weather.

But then he noticed the cheap stuff was, well…cheap. It wasn’t working as well as it could. So he switch to the more expensive stuff: RAIN X Windshield Washer Fluid and the difference was clear. He could see again.

It’s pricey, but it works. And that’s all that matters.


sennheiser hd560s headphones


He needed another pair of heapdhones like he needed a hole in the head. He was up too… a number too embarrasing to actually say out loud. But they were a deal. He had to have them.

They arrived and they are pretty good. Yes, they are made out of plastic and yes they are cheap (compared to some others) but they also sound very nice and were bought used so the savings are pretty great!

He has found himself listening these a lot. They’re black and boring too so they’re easy to sneak into the house too.

Besides, what’s one more pair?


Broken 49 Inch Monitor


He was afraid this would happen. He had ordered a 49 inch Samsung Monitor for his birthday. He was so careful to bring it inside and unpack it, and then he saw it. the crack

At first he thought he must have forgotten to take off the protective plastic from the front and it was just a bubble he saw, but then he realized it was broken. Crap.

Now he had to unplug it, take it off his desk, take it apart and then put all the little pieces back in the bo x in the appropriate place and then pack it up and carry the 45 lb box to the UPS Store so they can return it to Amazon

“At least I bought it from Amazon” he thought. They will refund him without hassle once they get it and he can get another monitor and try again.

That’s all he can do.


samsung 49 inch monitor

He was afraid this would happen. He had ordered a 49 inch Samsung Monitor for his birthday. He was so careful to bring it inside and unpack it, and then he saw it. the crack

At first he thought he must have forgotten to take off the protective plastic from the front and it was just a bubble he saw, but then he it was broken. Crap.

Now he had to unplug it, take it off his desk, take it[[2023-03-14-yellow-pencil]][yellow pencil] and then put all the little pieces back in the bo x in the appropriate place and then pack it up and carry the 45 lb box to the UPS Store so they can return it to Amazon

“At least I bought it from [Amazon]” he thought. They will refund him without hassle once they get it and he can get another monitor and try again.

That’s all he can do.


hello world

Hello World! Well, here we are. I guess I have to start somewhere and I guess the somwhere is here. This is just a silly liitle project I have had in the back of my mind for some time and I think it’s a fine time to execute it.

Did you ever wonder how much stuff you have? No? Well, I have. Mostly because i never used to have all this stuff! but then I got older and had a kid and the stuff just grows and grows to the point you don’t even know why you have all this stuff.

This got me to thinking? Everything has a story: The toothbrush, the special coin that used to be your Dad’s or even the fork you used for dinner. You had to have some thought about buying this and adding it to your home at some point, yes?

I’m not sure where I am going with this, but I want to write stories. Short stories. About my stuff. Every fork, pen, pink floyd album - you name it.

Short, because who has time to write thousands and thousands of words? I have 20 minutes - tops. And I can usually bang out something in that time frame.

These will not be daily - becuase: life. I will try to write regularly but we shall see. At this point, this is not much more than an idea I had so time will tell if it gets executed.

There’s probably more to write, but this give you the idea and as this is a brand new site nobody’s reading anyway.

it's kind of hard to beat free


I’ve been waffling on whether I should use Jekyll,Ghost or even Wordpress and Blogger for my next project and I think I have settled on Jekyll.

I have made my choice due mostly to price. I investigated self-hosting Wordpress and Ghost but when you figure out the server cost you might as well pay for managed hosting.

But I don’t want to pay for a project that may or may not get off the ground - so Jekyll wins for the time being.

It’s also nice being able to just open a text editor and write. No need for plugins or other stuff.

I almost went with ghost as my [[platform]] of choice but I decided against it mostly due to price even though I do like th Ghost platform as a whole.

Anyway, here goes.. Let’s see if this works at all.

phone cases

phone Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash

He had lost his phone. Again. This wasn’t the first time

You would think that for something so important to his day to day life that he would pay more attention to it. It was usually lost in the house somewhere - placed up high where he wouldn’t see it normally.

He sighed, and once again hit the “find my phone” app on his watch.

The phone rang it’s “find me” tone. He wandered around the house. It had to be somewhere. He went downstairs and nope - not there.
